Please read through Terms and conditions carefully, which explains Refund and fee policy and Health and safety policies that we have in place.

PLEASE NOTE THE CHART BELOW IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOLLOWING THE COVID PANDEMIC- Hopefully we will never have to witness another pandemic but if we did these are the protcols we would put in place and update accordingly.

AttendanceStaff are not permitted to attend if they, or a member of their family bubble, have experienced symptoms or if they know they have come in contact with someone with virus symptoms. If in doubt, tell ACTIVATE THEATRE and stay at home.      ONLY designated staff are allowed on premises. Anyone else WILL be turned away…. sorry!Students are not permitted to attend if they, or a member of their family bubble, have experienced symptoms or if they know they have come in contact with someone with virus symptoms. If in doubt, tell ACTIVATE THEATRE and stay at home.      ONLY students who are booked in by their parents will be allowed on premises. 
ArrivalPlease enter through the main reception area (Maps provided).  If it is necessary to wait outside, please ensure you keep at least 2 metres distance from others outside.   When entering the reception, firstly you must sanitise your hands using the dispenser provided.   Go straight to the teaching room.   On every entry and exit to the teaching room, sanitise your hands using the dispenser provided. This is compulsory.Students and parents must wait outside the main entrance, using the 2 metre marks. A member of staff will meet you and escort you to the room.    Nobody may enter until advised to do so. Parents must NOT come into the building unless absolutely necessary – i.e. in an emergency.    Communication can be done via phone to 07896554555.   On every entry and exit, students must sanitise their hands using the dispenser provided.   This is compulsory.
Movement around premises, and between roomsThe only areas staff are allowed are the entrance, the teaching room, the toilet, and the exitOnce in class, students must remain in the classroom at all times other than to use the toilet, and in case of emergency. They will be guided to any additional space we use.
Social distancing Staff must stay at least 1 metre apart from each other, and from students, at all times. The classroom will be arranged so that Teachers and students are 2m + distanced at all times.Students must stay at least 1 metre apart from each other at all times. The classroom will be arranged so that they are 2m distanced when seated.
Tissues & their disposalAlthough tissues will be provided, staff are encouraged to bring their own disposable tissues. Used tissues MUST be immediately disposed of in the bins provided.Although tissues will be provided, staff are encouraged to bring their own disposable tissues. Used tissues MUST be immediately disposed of in the bins provided.
Distancing whilst supervisingPlease only support students with work etc from a distance; this will be hard, and you will have to fight your instincts here!N/A
VentilationWindows will be open in all rooms used. Please bear this in mind and ensure that you are suitably dressed. i.e. bring a jumperRooms will be well ventilated, so parents, please ensure that students are suitably dressed for outside temperature.
ToiletsStaff should use their designated toilet facilities. Only one person should go at a time. Please remember to wash your hands thoroughly. Staff MUST ensure that their hands are also sanitised when entering the classroom.Students will be taken in small groups by staff. We will follow the social distance guidelines set out by our venues, closely.   Students MUST wash their hands after and MUST sanitise them when entering the classroom.
Personal effects, food etc. Please do not bring anything you do not need to class. During classes staff are permitted to bring drinks, and a packed lunch, if they are working all day. Staff will have a designated eating place. Mobile phones must be kept away at all other times. They may be used in an emergency.Please do not bring anything you do not need to class. This does include toys, due to the risk of infection and cross contamination.   Students are permitted to bring a snack and drinks to class. They will have a designated eating place. Although mobile phones are discouraged, we do understand that some children may need to bring their phones to class. We politely request that mobile phones be kept away at all times during the session. They may ONLY be used in an emergency.
Isolation for any student displaying possible symptomsIf staff experience symptoms of the virus (persistent cough and/or high temperature) they will be taken to a separate room, where they will be advised to go home and get tested for covid-19. We will then contact all parents and notify them that a staff member has suspected covid-19. The confidentiality of the staff member will be maintained.  If any student experiences symptoms of the virus (persistent cough and/or high temperature) they will be taken into a separate room with a staff member, and their parents will be called to collect them. We will then contact parents and notify of a suspected covid-19 outbreak. Confidentiality of the child will be maintained.
CleaningThe venue will ensure all rooms are subject to intensified cleaning, particularly of all surfaces, and prominent areas of communal contact (handles, light switches, chairs, doors, etc.  However, staff are required to ensure that classrooms are tidied after a session has taken placed before they leave the premises.Students are required to place their rubbish (crisp packets, wrappers, empty cartons, tissues, etc) in the bins provided.
First AidThere will always be a first aider on site during sessions.N/A
SafeguardingA designated member of staff will be responsible for safeguarding onsite. Please reread our  safeguarding policy. N/A
End of class proceduresAt the end of class, staff will lead children in small groups to the OUTSIDE designated area to their parents. As we use a variety of venues, staff will be instructed before sessions on where the waiting spot for parents are.Parents meeting their child after class will need to wait in the designated area OUTSIDE of the venue’s building. Parents must wait, using the 2 metre marks, or remain in their vehicles. As we use a variety of venues, parents will be informed before sessions on where the waiting spot for parents is.
Fire AlarmAll students and staff will congregate at muster points in front of the building, observing distancing. Designated teacher will roll call.All students will be guided to congregate at the front of the building, observing distancing. 
Further questions and honing proceduresPlease contact the Activate Team in the first instance via email, or by phone 07896554555,  with any questions or changes you feel we can make.Please contact Louise or Patrick in the first instance via email, or by phone 07896554555, with any questions or changes you feel we can make.

FEE PAYMENTS AND REFUND POLICY: The fee payment for the classes for the term must be paid for upon booking otherwise your child’s place is not secured for the term.

If we (Activate Theatre) have to cancel classes for any reason and can not deliver another session, either via Zoom or face to face, to compensate for missed classes, either a refund will be given or money can be a carried over, in a credit note, for when the classes can recommence. If an alternative class or workshop is scheduled but your child can not attend a refund will not be given as an alternative date for the class is offered.

Refunds will not be given if your child just decides to leave during a term or they are having to isolate, as we have allocated their place for the whole term and we still have to continue to pay staff and venue hire and other business running costs.      

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions about our Terms & Conditions please get in touch with The Activate Team



As a member of Activate Theatre, you have a great opportunity to be a strong representative of the performance industry. Maintaining a well-respected reputation is essential to your success and that of your classmates. We expect you to follow the guidelines set out below.


There will always be a qualified first aider at all classes and events. It is paramount that all the Activate Teaching Team are familiar with the procedure if a student should have an accident or become unwell during a class.

The point of contact to report all Health and safety or first aid concerns is either to

Patrick Rimmington-Kane, Louise Rimmington- Kane, Megan Laing (Megan must make either Director aware of a medical situation once another member of the team has given information about an incident


A member of the Activate Team would attend the student immediately and if the first aider is not in the room, should arrange for someone to go and find one of the qualified first aider. The area of the incident must be cleared and if deemed necessary all other students should be taken to another room.

Information will be gathered and relayed to the Appointed First aider on what happened during the incident and any injuries that may have been sustained. First aid will be administered as needed and parents and guardian contacted immediately if necessary or provided with information of the incident at the end of the session.

Recording of any medical incident or accident needs to be logged in the weekly Activate book which is located on the main desk in the room and also the official accident logbook which is located in the Activate work bag.

At the end of the session the person in charge and the appointed first aider must check with all Team members if any incidents or first aid issues took place during the session. Parents/Guardians must then be made aware and given any information necessary at the end of the session. If the parents if not collecting the child, then the Company Directors (Patrick or Louise) must call the parent/guardian and relay what took place during the session and any action carried out.  


You will be expected to maintain a positive attitude at all times during classes, shows, and other events. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances. While at Activate events, including but not limited to classes, fundraisers and shows, you will be required to maintain a positive image. We expect you to remain professional, friendly and to show respect to your fellow classmates and teachers. In addition, bullying of ANY kind or form with NOT be tolerated at Activate Theatre as we pride ourselves on our inclusive and friendly and safe environment where your child will thrive.

Online Media

Sites such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or any other similar websites offering personal profiles and picture or video posts shall be used with the utmost caution. Negative postings or responses on online forums, are completely unacceptable. Please use sound judgment when utilising these sites. In addition, bullying of ANY kind on any social media platform will NOT be tolerated at Activate Theatre. Using direct tags, sub texting, or insinuating anything negative about another classmate, teacher, or other schools and their students will be dealt with immediately and poses consequences that are not limited to dismissal from Activate Theatre    

Mobile phones: Must not be used during sessions. No Activate student is permitted to record footage or take pictures while attending their classes.

Uniform: We require all students to purchase an Activate Theatre t-shirt to wear during class, and to ensure they come dressed appropriately in comfy leggings/joggers and shoes such as trainers, performance shoes or jazz shoes. We impose our uniform policy to ensure that students or parents don’t feel pressure to spend lots of money on fashionable clothing/brands.

Drop off and collectionAll students must be dropped off and collected by a parent/guardian, we do not allow students to leave the premises without their parent/guardian present, unless prior agreement has been arranged. If arrangements have been made with the parent for a friend to collect their child please make sure you contact the Activate Team to make them aware of your arrangements.


Choreography learnt and performances devised during classes or events is the intellectual property of Activate Theatre and remains regardless of if your child continues to attend Activate Theatre classes. 

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We will continue to do everything we can to ensure the safety of our students, their families, and staff, while facilitating the classes. We continually review our protocols document and keep them up-to-date with the Department for Education and National Education Union guidelines. We will inform students, parents, and staff of any changes.

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions about our Terms & Conditions, please get in touch with the Directors

The Activate Team